
As soon as the Rose had become known to nations, it was not only the theme of poets, but gave rise to many legends. In Greek mythology, the rose acquired its red colour when Aphrodite, the goddess of love, cut herself on a rose thorn and stained the petals of the flower with her blood. Represented in poetry the 13th-century poet Rumi wrote, “Through love, thorns become roses.”
The birthplace of the cultivated Rose was probably Northern Persia, but Wild Rose (Rosa Multiflora) can be found in temperate regions throughout both hemispheres. A wild Rose bush grows with an umbrella-like shape, and due to its thorns, offers protection to furry creatures and feathered friends.
Parts Used:
Flowers, Leaves, Hips
Flowers: B Vitamins, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Carotene, Calcium, Potassium, Antioxidants, Bioflavonoids, Polyphenols, Essential Oils
Hips: Vitamin C, Vitamin B, Niacin, Bioflavonoids, Vitamin K, Vitamin E, Polyphenols, Pectin Tannin, Pectin, Carotene, Fruit acids, Fatty oil
Flowers & Leaves: Anti-inflammatory, Anti-spasmodic, Astringent, Anti-septic, Aphrodisiac, Blood-Mover, Cardiovascular Tonic, Nervine Relaxant, Vulnerary
Hips: Nutritive, Mild Diuretic, Astringent, Immune Tonic, Vulnerary, Mild Laxative
Medicinal Uses
Flowers & Leaves:
Roses offer some amazing beauty-enhancing and healing effects to the skin. The petals have astringent qualities, which provide a tightening effect on the tissues.
A powerful vulnerary, that reduces pain, heat and inflammation in wounds and helps heal skin abrasions, rashes, bites, and stings. A distillation of its petals (rosewater) gently shrinks the pores while bringing down the inflammation.
As a heart tonic for the physiological heart and spiritual-emotional heart. Rose is useful for trauma, grief, depression, anxiety (especially heart-based), and heartbreak. Its flower essence moves stuck grief so it can be processed and opens the heart. A well-known flower of love and devotion that balances heart-opening with protection (thorns).
As an aphrodisiac, the rose has a balancing and harmonizing effect, that is helpful for low libido, by bringing blood flow and promoting circulation to the pelvic region. It is helpful in relieving menstrual cramps, mood swings and low menses resulting from pelvic congestion.
The rose plant bears fruit in the warm temperatures of late summer. Berry-like in appearance, rosehip fruit contains some of the highest naturally occurring sources of Vitamin C. Packed with health-imparting nutrients, rosehips maintain your vitality during cold and flu season. The hips help with blood flow and energy and can be used as a general tonic when one is feeling low in energy, debilitated or exhausted.
Used In:
Herbal Sitz Bath, Anti-oxidant Face Cream, Organic Rosehip Seed Oil, Blush Body Cream