
Common Name: Beeswax

Latin Name: Cera Alba


Beeswax is used to make the foundation of the honeycomb the iconic hexagonal pattern that honeybees build and fill to raise their brood and to store honey and pollen.  It  is created when worker bees secret the wax from special wax glands on the underside of their bellies. The wax excluded is liquid and quickly cools and solidifies. 

As a gardener and plant lover,  bees hold a special place in my heart. Bees are so important to our health and overall existence. We rely on bees for nearly a third of our entire food supply.  Its use in our products pays homage to the many benefits the honeybee brings, including the incredible properties beeswax plays in medicine and natural skin care preparations. We love bees so much the hive has been used in our logo to form the wall paper pattern of our Substance Mom and Baby collection. 

Using beeswax is nothing new. It has been used for thousands of years in medicine, as a waterproofing agent for pottery vessels as well as a fuel, a cosmetic ingredient, and an instrument for religious ceremonies. A unique discovery was its use as dental filling dating back 6500+ year-old tooth.

Parts Used: Wax from the hive

Properties: Water insoluble, edible, humectant, anti-inflammatory, moisturizing

Constituents:  monoesters, hydrocarbons, free fatty acids, diesters & complex esters, hydroxy monoesters, and free fatty alcohols. Exact composition can vary by bee type, location and conditions.

Medicinal Uses:

We use beeswax in our products for its incredible versatility and healing benefits.  Primarily used as a hardening agent in our salves, lip balms and creams,  beeswax locks in moisture and acts as a protective barrier without clogging the pores. It helps to create a layer of protection to the skin from environmental irritants and extreme weather and protects the skin from chaffing.

Beeswax is particularly good as a barrier and treatment for diaper rash.  It acts as a barrier against wetness, it allows the skin to breath further helping it to heal, it does not clog the pores preventing baby acne,  is hydrating, long-lasting and protects against environmental pollutants. It prevents harmful bacteria from entering the body through chapped and broken skin and a barrier against sweating and wetness protecting the skin from chaffing and irritations such as diaper rash, and sweat.

Moisturizing, beeswax acts as a humectant to lock in moisture and keep the skin supple and plump. Its anti-allergenic and anti-inflammatory properties soothe irritated skin and is very beneficial for healing skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis and rosacea.

The beautiful distinct smell of beeswax offers a calming aroma of honey and the wood of the bee box and frames. Both the scent and color of beeswax can vary between seasons and hives due to the pollen, resins, nectar, and honey that the wax comes in contact with.

Used In: All Heal Salve, Heat Rub, Lip Balm, Belly Jelly, Nipple Creme, Nappy Ointment, Lip & Cheek Balm, Baby’s Own Chest Rub,  Body Butter